
Elizabeth pulls her alt. universe sisters in for a fight with the master Ricochet!

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In this 80 megapixel poster Elizabeth pulls other Elizabeth’s from other universes into her world to help her battle Anypófores Geniés, the master Ricochet!

Buying the poster includes the full 11000 x 8000 poster in .JPG and .PNG formats, as well as the layered .PSD and .TIFF files. This last point is great for fans with a graphics program like Photoshop or GIMP, because every Elizabeth in this poster is fully rendered. You can turn off the layers of foreground Elizabeth’s to see the details of the fully drawn Elizabeth’s behind them!


In addition to the girls all being fully drawn, they also have eyes as separate layers so you can move the eyes around to make them look at something else, if you want.


If this isn’t enough to convince you, buying the poster will also make you 15% more awesome. Just saying.

There is a 5 megapixel free version of the poster, without any source files or secrets. You can view it here.

The source files are quite large. The .PSD file is 1.87 GB and the .TIFF file is 2.08 GB.